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Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Undergraduate (Turkish)

General Information

The fundamental mission of the Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Department is to graduate professional, well-equipped and creative physiotherapists and academicians who are well-equipped with professional knowledge, act according to professional ethics, show respect towards human rights and possess life-long learning and teaching skills. Our department is also involved in multidisciplinary work and endeavors to use physiotherapy and rehabilitation services, evidence based science and advanced technology for the benefit of the society.


With the aim of graduating successful and modern physiotherapists, our university has established collaboration protocols with Dokuz Eylül, Marmara and Gazi Universities of Turkey. Along with the collaborations, our department receives professional academic support from prominent faculty members at various institutions in Turkey. Our program has been designed in such a way that analysis, tackling problems, reaching conclusions, thinking creatively and critically, working in a team and communicating effectively have become indispensable elements of the course content. A number of collaboration protocols have also been settled with different institutions to provide our students with internship opportunities.


Students at our department benefit from laboratories equipped with modern technological facilities at world standards. Each laboratory has been designed to provide opportunities for approximately 40-50 students to receive instruction at the same time. Our University provides sufficient number of computers with Internet connections for students. Students are also given the privilege of benefitting from the Eastern Mediterranean University Library which is equipped with modern facilities, equipment and databases. Our University also provides an array of recreational opportunities for our students in the form of social, cultural and sports activities.

Career Opportunities

Graduates of the Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation program are awarded the title of a “Physiotherapist". Program graduates may continue their studies at master's or doctoral degree levels and become a “Specialist Physiotherapist" or “Doctor of Physiotherapy".

DönemDers Kodu
Ders Adı

Ders Kategorisi


Ders saati/KrediÖnkoşullarAKTS
1FZTR101Anatomi - IZ3304 6
1FZTR103Fizyoloji - IZ3003 5
1FZTR111Fizyoterapi ve Rehabilitasyona GirişZ2002 5
1BESD103Beslenmeye GirişZ2002 4
1ENGL171İngilizce – IZ3003 4
1PSYC111Psikoloji BölümüZ2002 3
1FIZK109Temel FizikZ2203 3
       19 30
2FZTR102Anatomi – IIZ3304 6
2FZTR104Fizyoloji – IIZ3003 5
2FZTR105Isı – Işık – HidroterapiZ2102 4
2FZTR106PatolojiZ2202 2
2FZTR107Normal Motor GelişimZ2002 4
2FZTR108Fizyoterapide EtikZ2002 5
2ENGL172İngilizce – IIZ3003ENGL1714
       18 30
3FZTR201Manipulatif Tedavi – IZ2203 5
3FZTR203Elektroterapi – IZ2203 5
3FZTR205Fizyoterapide Ölçme ve DeğerlendirmeZ2303 5
3FZTR207Dahili BilimlerZ2002 2
3FZTR211Fonksiyonel NöroanatomiZ2002 4
3FZTR230Biyomekanik ve Kinezyoloji – IZ2102 5
3UE – 01Üniversite Seçmeli Ders - IS3003 4
       18 30
4FZTR202Manipulatif Tedavi – IIZ2203 5
4FZTR204Elektroterapi - II  Z2203 5
4FZTR210Egzersiz TedavisiZ2303 5
4FZTR212Egzersiz FizyolojisiZ2002 4
4FZTR214Cerrahi BilimlerZ2002 2
4FZTR232Biyomekanik ve Kinezyoloji – IIZ2102 5
4UE- 02 Üniversite  Seçmeli Ders - IIS3003 4
       18 30
5FZTR301Nörofizyolojik Yaklaşımlar  - IZ2203 4
5FZTR305Ortopedik RehabilitasyonZ2203 4
5FZTR307Pediatrik RehabilitasyonZ2203 4
5FZTR312İş ve Uğraşı TedavisiZ2102 3
5FZTR315Pulmoner Rehabilitasyon Z2203 4
5FZTR317Ortez ve RehabilitasyonuZ2203 4
5AE - 01Alan Seçmeli Ders - IS2002 4
5FZTR216Yaz StajıZ0000Ön koşul 50 kredi3
       19 30
6FZTR302Nörofizyolojik Yaklaşımlar  - IIZ2203 4
6FZTR308Nörolojik RehabilitasyonZ2203 4
6FZTR306Sporda FizyoterapiZ2203 4
6FZTR314FarmakolojiZ2002 3
6FZTR318Protez ve RehabilitasyonuZ2203 4
6FZTR321Kardiyak RehabilitasyonZ2203 4
6MATE211BiyoistatistikZ2012 4
6FZTR316Yaz Stajı -  IIZ0000FZTR216 ve 90 kredi3
       19 30
7FZTR403Sağlık Bilimlerinde Araştırma Yöntemleri  Z3003 4
7FZTR407Fizyoterapide Özel KonularZ2002 2
7FZTR411Muskuloskeletal Rehabilitasyonda Klinik Çalışma-IZ1704 8
7FZTR413 Nöroloji ve Kardiyopulmoner Rehabilitasyonda Klinik Çalışma-IZ1704 8
7AE02Alan Seçmeli Ders - IIS2002 4
7UE 03Universite Seçmeli Ders -  IIIS3003 4
  TOPLAM    18 30
8FZTR222Halk SağlığıZ2002 2
8FZTR412Muskuloskeletal Rehabilitasyonda Klinik Çalışma-IIZ1704 8
8FZTR414Nöroloji ve Kardiyopulmoner Rehabilitasyonda Klinik Çalışma-IIZ1704 8
8HIST280Atatürk İlkeleri ve Inkılap TarihiZ2002 4
8AE 03Alan Seçmeli DersS2002 4
8AE 04Alan Seçmeli DersS2002 4
  TOPLAM    16 30


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Please contact to department and/or faculty for detailed information about courses.

Ref. Course Code Course Title Lec. Lab Tut. Credit ECTS Syl.
Semester 1
D1111 MDCN101 Anatomy 3 - 3 4 6
D1112 FZTR103 Physiology 3 - - 3 5
D1113 FZTR111 Introduction to Physiotherapy and Rehebilitation 2 - - 2 5
D1114 BESD103 Introduction to Nutrition 2 - - 2 4
D1115 ENGL171 English - I 3 - 1 3 4
D1116 PSYC111 Science of Psychology 2 - 2 2 3
D1117 FIZK109 Fundamentals of Physics 2 - 2 3 3
Semester 2
D1121 MDCN102 Advanced Anatomy 3 - 3 4 6
D1122 FZTR104 Advanced Physiology 3 - - 3 5
D1123 FZTR115 Heat and Light-Hydrotherapy 2 - 1 2 4
D1124 MDCN106 Pathology 2 - - 2 2
D1125 FZTR107 Normal Motor Development 2 - - 2 4
D1126 FZTR120 Ethics in Physiotherapy 2 - - 2 5
D1127 ENGL172 English - II 3 - 1 3 4
Semester 3
D1131 FZTR201 Manipulative Treatment - I 2 - 3 3 5
D1132 FZTR203 Electrotherapy - I 2 - 3 3 5
D1133 FZTR205 Measurement and Evaluation in Physiotherapy 2 - 3 3 5
D1134 MDCN217 Internal Sciences 2 - - 2 2
D1135 FZTR217 Functional Neuroanatomy 2 - - 2 4
D1136 FZTR230 Biomechanics and Kinesiology - I 2 - 1 2 5
D1137 UE1 University Elective Course I 3 - - 3 4
Semester 4
D1141 FZTR202 Manipulative Treatment - II 2 - 3 3 5
D1142 FZTR204 Electrotherapy - II 2 - 3 3 5
D1143 FZTR218 Therapeutic Exercises 2 - 3 3 5
D1144 FZTR212 Exercises Physiology 2 - 1 2 4
D1145 MDCN214 Surgical Sciences 2 - - 2 2
D1146 FZTR232 Biomechanics and Kinesiology - II 2 - 1 2 5
D1147 UE2 University Elective Course 2 3 - - 3 4
Semester 5
D1151 FZTR301 Neurophysiologic Approaches - I 2 - 3 3 4
D1152 FZTR305 Orthopedic Rehabilitation 2 - 3 3 4
D1153 FZTR307 Pediatric Rehabilitation 2 - 3 3 4
D1154 FZTR312 Occupational Therapy 2 - 2 3 3
D1155 FZTR315 Pulmonary Rehabilitation 2 - 2 3 4
D1156 FZTR317 Orthotics and Rehabilitation 2 - 2 3 4
D1157 AE01 Area Elective - I 3 - - 3 4
D1158 FZTR216 Summer Internship - I - - - - 3
Semester 6
D1161 FZTR302 Neurophysiologic Approaches - II 2 - 3 3 4
D1162 FZTR308 Neurologic Rehabilitation 2 - 3 3 4
D1163 FZTR306 Physiotherapy in Sports 2 - 2 3 4
D1164 FZTR314 Pharmacology 2 - - 2 3
D1165 FZTR318 Prosthetics and Rehabilitation 2 - 2 3 4
D1166 FZTR321 Cardiac Rehabilitation 2 - 2 3 4
D1167 MATE211 Biostatistics 2 - 1 2 4
D1168 FZTR316 Summer Internship - II - - - - 3
Semester 7
D1171 FZTR411 Clinical Practice in Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation - I 1 - 7 4 8
D1172 FZTR413 Clinical Practice in Neurologic and Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation - I 1 - 7 4 8
D1173 FZTR403 Research Methods in Health Sciences 3 - - 3 4
D1174 UE3 University Elective Course 3 - - 3 4
D1175 AE02 Area Elective - II 3 - - 3 4
D1176 FZTR407 Special Themes in Physiotherapy 2 - - 2 2
Semester 8
D1181 FZTR222 Public Health 2 - - 2 2
D1182 FZTR412 Clinical Practice in Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation - II 1 - 7 4 8
D1183 FZTR414 Clinical Practice in Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation - II 1 - 7 4 8
D1184 HIST280 Atatürk's Principles and History of Turkish Reforms 2 - - 2 4
D1184 TUSL181 Turkish as a Second Language 2 - - 2 4
D1185 AE03 Area Elective - III 3 - - 3 4
D1186 AE04 Area Elective - IV 3 - - 3 4





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