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  Course Description

The aim of the dialysis program is to bring up qualified health technicians who will provide services in the hospital dialysis units in the treatment of the illnesses requiring dialysis treatment. In line with the rapid changes in the medical technology, a growing demand for dialysis technicians has emerged. The program aims to graduate intermediate workforce needed in the dialysis treatment process of the individuals with kidney failure.

General Information

Having taken profession-related courses on anatomy, physiology, nephrology, dialysis, pathology, graduates of the dialysis associate degree program become qualified professionals who are equipped with up-to-date information and cultural awareness. Through effective research, teamwork and problem solving skills and importance given to human health and ethical principles, program graduates provide quality health services to the community both within the TRNC and the Republic of Turkey.


The program carries importance in catering for the growing demand for dialysis technicians both in the TRNC and the Republic of Turkey. Prominent academicians from the universities in the Republic of Turkey have agreed to contribute to the program both by providing consultancy and actively delivering courses.


  • The program has been developed upon strong academic and physical foundation.
  • Along with academic activities taking place throughout the academic year, students are provided with summer internship opportunities at well-known health institutions.
  • Students may benefit from numerous social, cultural and sports activities offered by clubs and facilities within the university.
  • EMU Health Sciences Faculty Center for Healthy Living provides numerous advantages through the anatomy lab, professional skill lab, anthropometry lab and body analysis and metabolism calculation tools.

Career Opportunities

As there is a growing demand for dialysis technicians both in the TRNC and the Republic of Turkey, graduates may pursue employment opportunities at the dialysis units of the state and private hospitals. They may also work at establishments operating under the ministry of health, social security hospitals, university hospitals or polyclinics.


Tel: +90 392 630 2172
Fax: +90 392 365 3940

Please contact to department and/or faculty for detailed information about courses.

Ref. Course Code Course Title Lec. Lab Tut. Credit ECTS Syl.
Semester 1
K5711 DYLZ107 Introduction to Dialysis 4 - - 4 -
K5712 DYLZ109 Basic Professional Practices 3 - 2 4 -
K5713 FZTR151 Introduction to Anatomy 2 - 2 3 -
K5714 FZTR152 Introduction to Physiology 2 - - 2 -
K5715 FZTR223 Health Concepts and Terminology 2 - - 2 -
K5716 ITEC115 Introduction to Computers 2 - 2 3 -
Semester 2
K5721 DYLZ108 Use and Care Dialysis Equipments - I 4 - 2 5 -
K5722 DYLZ110 Dialysis Pharmacology 3 - - 3 -
K5723 DYLZ112 Advanced Dialysis 3 - - 3 -
K5724 BESD161 Principles of Basic Nutrition 2 - - 2 -
K5725 SGBL108 Diseases Information 3 - - 3 -
K5726 HIST280 Atatürk's Principles and History of Turkish Reforms 2 - - 2 -
Semester 3
K5731 DYLZ200 Summer Training - - - - -
K5732 DYLZ205 Dialysis Equipment Use and Maintenance - II 4 - 4 6 -
K5733 DYLZ207 Nephrology 3 - - 3 -
K5734 FZTR153 Introduction to Microbiology 2 - - 2 -
K5735 SGBL105 Deontology and Ethics in Health Sciences 2 - - 2 -
K5736 ENGL161 Basic English - I 3 - 1 3 -
K5737 UE01 University Elective - I 3 - - 3 -
Semester 4
K5741 DYLZ206 Professional Practice - - 12 6 -
K5742 ENGL162 Basic English - II 3 - 1 3 -
K5743 FZTR160 Communication in Health Centers 2 - - 2 -
K5744 AE01 Area Elective - I 3 - - 3 -
K5745 AE02 Area Elective - II 3 - - 3 -
K5746 UE02 University Elective - II 3 - - 3 -

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