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School of Health Services


Assist. Director
Assoc. Prof. Dr. YASİN YURT

EMU School of Health Services took a step to academic life in 2012-2013 Academic year by accepting students to the Associate degree of First and Emergency Aid and Anesthesia departments. Both departments offer Turkish based education and the School of Health Services has been accepting a great number of students.

In 2013-14 Academic year, Associate degree of Dialysis, Physiotherapy Technician, Elder Care, Oral and Dental Health and Medical Imaging were established under the name of the School of Health Services. In all departments students are educated with theoretical courses related to the areas and they improve their professional skills with the help of established laboratories such as Dialysis Laboratory, Oral and Dental Health Application Laboratory, Basic Skills Laboratory, Anatomy Laboratory, the Centre of Healthy Life and the Centre of Prosthesis Orthesis and Biomechanics. 

Visual materials are used in the theoretical lessons to increase the quality of education. Also, all the resources and opportunities are provided for students to complete their professional traineeship. In addition to the theoretical and practical courses, students would have chance to attend professional conferences, social and cultural activities. The School of Health Services has cooperation protocols with various universities in Turkey to keep the education quality above the standards. At the first stage, the cooperation protocols were signed with Marmara University, Gazi University and Dokuz Eylül University. Then, Hacettepe University and Ankara University have been added to our cooperation protocols. By this means, our students have chance to take advantage of the facilities that are provided by the universities and academic personnel of those universities get opportunity of teaching in our university. 



Program NameDegreeDuration (Years)
Anesthesia (Turkish)Associate / A.D.2
Dialysis (Turkish)Associate / A.D.2
First And Emergency Aid (Turkish)Associate / A.D.2
Medical Imaging Techniques (Turkish)Associate / A.D.2
Oral and Dental Health (Turkish)Associate / A.D.2
Orthopedic Prosthetics Orthotics (Turkish)Associate / A.D.2
Physiotherapy (Turkish)Associate / A.D.2
Radiotherapy (Turkish)Associate / A.D.2
Surgery Services (Turkish)Associate / A.D.2

Contact Information

Eastern Mediterranean University
School of Health Services
Famagusta, North Cyprus
Mersin 10, Turkey 

Tel: +90 392 3909
Fax: +90 392 3940

Academic Staff

Name SurnameDutyDepartmentOfficeTel
Prof. Dr. AYŞE NUR TUNALI * Faculty Member Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation
Prof. Dr. EMİNE AKAL YILDIZ Faculty Member Nutrition and Dietetics SBF 118 1186
Prof. Dr. EMİNE HANDAN TÜZÜN Faculty Member Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation SBF 235 1370
Prof. Dr. HATİCE BEBİŞ Faculty Member Nursing 2457
Prof. Dr. İNCİ YÜKSEL Faculty Member Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2152
Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Dekanlık 3900 - 3939
Prof. Dr. MEHVEŞ TARIM * Faculty Member Health Management SBF 228 3006
Prof. Dr. MİTAT KOZ Faculty Member,
Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation SBF C 116 3023
Prof. Dr. SEMA KUĞUOĞLU * Faculty Member Nursing
Prof. Dr. SEVİNÇ TAŞTAN Chair Nursing SBF 227 1125
Prof. Dr. YAŞAR GÜL BALTACI * Faculty Member Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation
Prof. Dr. YAVUZ YAKUT * Faculty Member Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation
Assoc. Prof. Dr. ALİ KIZILET * Faculty Member Exercise and Sports Sciences
Assoc. Prof. Dr. BERKİYE KIRMIZIGİL Faculty Member Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation SBF 132 1124
Assoc. Prof. Dr. CEREN GEZER Faculty Member Nutrition and Dietetics SBF 121 3003
Assoc. Prof. Dr. ENDER ANGIN EREN Faculty Member Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 1080
Assoc. Prof. Dr. GÖZDE İYİGÜN Faculty Member,
Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation SBF 127 3011
Assoc. Prof. Dr. GÜLTEN SUCU DAĞ Faculty Member Nursing SBF 223 1073
Assoc. Prof. Dr. HALİSE ÇOŞKUN Faculty Member,
Nursing 3914
Assoc. Prof. Dr. HÜLYA FIRAT KILIÇ Faculty Member Nursing SBF 134 - 224 2142
Assoc. Prof. Dr. RIDVAN ATİLLA * Faculty Member
Assoc. Prof. Dr. ROJJİN MAMUK Faculty Member,
Nursing SBF 228 3006
Assoc. Prof. Dr. SERAY KABARAN Faculty Member Nutrition and Dietetics SBF 124 3008
Assoc. Prof. Dr. TEVHİDE ZİVER Faculty Member Nutrition and Dietetics SBF 115 2155
Assoc. Prof. Dr. YASİN YURT Vice Dean,
Assist. Director,
Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation SBF 138 - 236 1427- 2448 - 3072
Assoc. Prof. Dr. ZEHRA GÜÇHAN Faculty Member Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation SBF 232 2496
Asst. Prof. Dr. ARZU ABİÇ Faculty Member Nursing SBF 221 1313
Asst. Prof. Dr. ASİYE YETER GÜNGÖR Faculty Member,
Vice Dean
Nutrition and Dietetics SBF 134 - 122 3929-1108
Asst. Prof. Dr. BEGÜM HARMANCIOĞLU Faculty Member Nutrition and Dietetics SBF230 1075
Asst. Prof. Dr. CAN JEFFRY ROY CHAUCHAT Coordinator,
Faculty Member
Exercise and Sports Sciences
Asst. Prof. Dr. FATMA HÜLYAM EREN Faculty Member Nutrition and Dietetics SBF 116 1083
Asst. Prof. Dr. HANDAN SEZGİN Faculty Member Nursing SBF 222 2451
Asst. Prof. Dr. İLKER YATAR Faculty Member Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation SBF 233 1426
Asst. Prof. Dr. MÜJGAN ÖZTÜRK Faculty Member Nutrition and Dietetics SBF 230 1075
Asst. Prof. Dr. SEDA CEVHEROĞLU Vice Chair Nursing SBF 221 1313
Asst. Prof. Dr. SEMA ERGE Faculty Member Nutrition and Dietetics SBF 119 2072
Asst. Prof. Dr. UMUT NALBANT Faculty Member Exercise and Sports Sciences SBF C 113 3184
Dr. GÜLCAN DÜRÜST SAKALLI Senior Instructor,
Nursing 3004
Nursing 3004
Dr. SELDA BAL Senior Instructor,
Nursing SBF 215
Dr. SİNEM DAĞ Senior Instructor Nursing SBF 218 3002
Sr. Instr. BURCU BARBAROS Senior Instructor,
Nutrition and Dietetics SBF 120 1367
Sr. Instr. DİLEK KARAOĞLAN Senior Instructor Nursing SBF 219 1070
Sr. Instr. ELİZ ARTER Senior Instructor Nutrition and Dietetics SBF 117 3007
Sr. Instr. EMİNE TEMİZKAN SEKİZLER Senior Instructor Nursing SBF 217 3005
Sr. Instr. ERKAN MALKOÇ Senior Instructor,
Health Management SBF C 115 3182
Sr. Instr. GİZEM DÜZENLİ Senior Instructor,
Sr. Instr. MELTEM ÖZTEMUR Senior Instructor,
Nursing SBF 219 1070
Sr. Instr. MERVE YURT Senior Instructor,
Nutrition and Dietetics SBF 117 3007
Sr. Instr. ÖMER YALÇINER Senior Instructor Exercise and Sports Sciences SBF C 114 3183
Sr. Instr. SİNAN ÖZYAVAŞ Senior Instructor Health Management SBF C 115 3185
Asst. Prof. Dr. GÖZDE OKBURAN Chair Nutrition and Dietetics SBF 126-SBF 123 2143 -1107
Asst. Prof. Dr. NEZİRE İNCE Faculty Member,
Vice Chair
Nutrition and Dietetics SBF 124 1081
Asst. Prof. Dr. ÖZDE DEPRELİ Faculty Member,
Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation SBF 228A 3913
Asst. Prof. Dr. SEVİM ÖKSÜZ Faculty Member Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation SBF 130 2473
Asst. Prof. Dr. ÜNAL DEĞER Faculty Member,
Vice Chair
Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation SBF 229 3913
* : Indicated academic staff member delivering the course is employed at another university.

Part-time Academic Staff

Name SurnameDutyDepartmentOfficeTel
Dr. ÇİSEL DEMİRALP ÖVGÜN Senior Instructor Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation
Dr. FERDİYE ZABİT ÖZDEMİR Senior Instructor Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation
Sr. Instr. AHMET ÖZYAŞAR Senior Instructor Exercise and Sports Sciences SBF C 113 3184
Sr. Instr. AYTÜL ÖZDİL KOCAMANYEĞİT Senior Instructor Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation
Sr. Instr. FATMA TOKPINAR Senior Instructor Nursing
Sr. Instr. GAMZE YATMAZ Senior Instructor Nursing
Sr. Instr. HAYRİYE TOMAÇ YALINCA Senior Instructor Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation
Sr. Instr. İNCİHAN KAHRAMAN Senior Instructor Nursing
Sr. Instr. İNSEL İŞLEK Senior Instructor Nursing
Sr. Instr. KAMİL AKÇALI Senior Instructor Nursing
Sr. Instr. KEMAL OKTA Senior Instructor Exercise and Sports Sciences 6301080
Sr. Instr. MERYEM AKGÜN Senior Instructor Nursing
Sr. Instr. MUSTAFA ALTUNSOY Senior Instructor
Sr. Instr. NUR DEMET GÖK Senior Instructor Nursing 3005
Sr. Instr. SAMIRA ASHRAFI BAVIL Senior Instructor Nursing
Sr. Instr. SIDIKA ÇİĞDEM EMİRZADEOĞLULARI Senior Instructor Health Management 1576
Sr. Instr. SILAY DAL Senior Instructor Nutrition and Dietetics
Sr. Instr. VİLDAN BUDAK Senior Instructor Nursing
CANSU KOLTAK Instructor Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation PROTEZ ORTEZ 3072
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